Vores IV Produkt Online-webinarer har allerede tiltrukket flere tusinde deltagere fra over 25 lande.
Kom med og besøg et gymnasium, en sportshal, vores egne produktionsfaciliteter og meget mere. Forvent korte præsentationer fyldt med indhold baseret på vores lange erfaring med smarte ventilationsløsninger og energieffektiv luftbehandling.
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IV Produkt Online November 2021
Sports facility with 100 % fresh air ventilation and cooling
Welcome to a digital presentation from Åhus Padelcourt, one of many experiences at Kristianstad Golf Club. Together with the project manager, players and CEO, we get to experience a good indoor climate with cooled ventilation which improves performance.
IV Produkt Online May 2021
Creative AHU solution for school in listed building
Welcome to a digital presentation from an upper secondary school in Halmstad, Sweden! We are challenged with creating a really good indoor climate in a listed building with clear restrictions on what can and cannot be done during renovation and retrofitting. Join us on a journey from 1925 to 2021!
IV Produkt Online March 2021
Our air handling solution, the importance of a good indoor climate, and a grand opening
Well over 1,000 people from 19 countries participated in this digital presentation! Among other topics, we shared knowledge on how a good indoor climate and smart ventilation can improve health, increase productivity while at the same time being a profitable investment. The viewers also joined the grand opening of our new facilities.
IV Produkt Online April 2020
Our latest news –
brought to you
On April 23–24th 2020, nearly 800 people participated at a digital experience of our booth that we had built at our head office in Växjö. During the live event, we shared our latest news as well as knowledge and experiences within energy efficient air handling.
Hvad synes deltagerne?
Feedback fra IV Produkt Online-undersøgelsen:
”Det var dejligt at have installatør og ejendomsejer med til arrangementet, at høre deres erfaringer og hvad man skal tænke på i projekter. Et rigtig godt arrangement!”
”Relevant information, som jeg med glæde deler som et salgsargument til mine kunder.”
”Meget interessant og positivt med et webinar, hvor jeg hurtigt og nemt kunne blive opdateret om produkter, uden at jeg skulle til en messe. En time på kontoret vs 1-2 dages arbejdsrejse er en stor besparelse.”
”Meget god info på kort tid med relevante tekniske og økonomiske data! Videoen om indbaksning og montering var også god.”
Del dine ideer! Hvad vil du gerne have, vi skal udforske næste gang?